Mô tả
Everything you need to know about dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, and mammals in this essential prehistoric encyclopedia for kids.
With more than 1,000 images and fascinating facts, The Dinosaur Book brings young readers face-to-face with some of the most incredible creatures ever to exist. Using a range of full-color images, including spectacular fossilized bones and realistic digital reconstructions, all forms of prehistoric life are covered. Young readers can also find out about the latest scientific discoveries that have changed the way we see these prehistoric animals-from new feathered dinosaurs to how and where.
Timeline of life
Changing planet
Types of fossils
Fossil finds
Origin of life
Evolution and extinction
The vertebrates
What is a dinosaur?
Inside a dinosaur
Before the dinosaurs
The age of dinosaurs
Dinosaurs take flight
The marine world
The rise of mammals
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